Monday, 19 December 2011

Comenius Buc Summit November 2011

Comenius Buc Summit November 2011
Day reports by the German pupils
Der 1. Tag

At half past eight we (Adrian, Timo, Patrick and I) met us at the train station in Fellbach, to drive with the train to the airport Stuttgart. After 45 minutes we arrived there, and met Mr. Eberlen and Mrs. Hammer. Then we registered our luggage and search our gate to fly to Paris. At eleven o’clock we took our flight to Paris. After one hour flight time we landed secure in Paris. At the airport we wait for the Scottish students and their teacher. Now some teachers took a rent car to bring there luggage in the hotel with some students. Then we took the underground to go to the downtown of Paris. Arrived in the downtown we waited for the Italians. After a while we met them. Some of us took a little lunch at the McDonalds. When they finished their lunch, we made two groups of students with teachers. One group live in Paris with their guest students, the other group live in suburbs of Paris. The group which live in the suburbs took after a long tour through Paris the bus to Buc, where we met our exchange partners. After the meeting everybody went to the homes of the exchange partners. That was the first day in Paris.       
Nicolas Bosch           

Der 2. Tag (Besuch OECD)
Am zweiten Tag trafen wir uns morgens am deutsch-französischem Internat in Buc. Dort gab es dann den Vormittag über unterschiedliche Präsentationen  unserer französischen Austauschpartner. Thematisiert wurden zum einen die verschiedenen Arten der regenerativen Energiegewinnung und zum anderen mehrere Vergleiche der politisch-wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungsfortschritte in den einzelnen Ländern. Hierbei hörten wir sowohl schon bekanntes, als auch ganz neue Informationen, welche sehr interessant waren.
Nachdem die Präsentationen beendet und wir mit Essen fertig waren, begaben wir uns auf die Reise zur OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) in Paris. Bei der OECD bekamen wir dann zunächst einen Vortrag über die Aufgaben und Handlungsgebiete der Organisation, welche vor allem eine passive, beratende Rolle hat. Den Mitgliedsländern gibt es die Möglichkeit sich über die globale langfristige Entwicklung beraten zu lassen, um sich diesen anzupassen oder entgegen zu wirken. Außerdem sieht die OECD für sich die Aufgabe wirtschaftliche Statistiken und Studien der verschiedenen Länder auf einen Level zubringen, sodass diese vergleichbar sind.
Danach gab es eine zweite Präsentation bei der die Organisation am Beispiel von Bioskraftstoff mit regenerativen Energien in Verbindung gebracht wurde. Leider war diese etwas kurz gehalten, weshalb die Einblicke nicht ganz so tief waren. Alles in allem war aber auch dieser Besuch sehr informativ und eine gute Erfahrung.
Zuletzt fuhren wir dann wieder mit der Bahn zu unseren Austauschpartnern nach Hause.

Adrian Schäfer
Am heutigen Tag dem 10. November.2011 treffen wir uns morgens in der Schule, um das Geothermiekraftwerk SEMHACH in Chevilly-Larue anzuschauen. Die Reise wird im Bus angetreten und dauert ca. eine halbe Stunde. Dort angekommen werden wir in zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt. Die erste Gruppe darf sich eine Präsentation eines Mitarbeiters anhören, die von Herr Eberlen auf Englisch übersetzt wird. Anschließend geht die Gruppe die sich die Präsentation anhören durfte zur Besichtigung der Anlage. Nachdem diese abgeschlossen war, treten wir die Rückreise an. In der Schule angekommen, gibt es zur Kräftigung erst einmal Mittagessen. Die Deutschen Schüler Adrian, Timo und Patrick kümmern sich um ihr Projekt den Blimp und bereiten die Präsentation vor. Als nun alle wieder versammelt waren, wurde der Blimp das erste Mal anderen Schulen vorgestellt. Nach der Präsentation gab es noch einige kritische Fragen von Schülern von anderen Schulen. Nachdem diese geklärt waren, gingen die Schüler in verschiedene Gruppen, um Dokumente zu erstellen oder wie im Fall der Deutschen Schüler an ihrem Projekt weiter zu arbeiten. Zum Abschluss des Tages stellten dann noch die schottischen Schüler ihre Website vor. 

Tag 4
Am vierten Tag, der ein freier Tag in den Familien war, waren wir vier, Adrian, Nicolas, Patrick und Timo mit unseren Austauschpartnern in Paris. Wir haben dort die ganz normale „Touristenrunde“ gemacht, also Notre-Dame, Louvre, Place de la Concorde, Champs Elysées, Arc de Triomphe und schließlich noch den obligatorischen Eiffelturm.

Tag 5
Am fünften Tag sind wir abgereist.
Wir trafen unsere Lehrer am Hotel Cheval Rouge, von woaus wir dann mit dem Aute zum Flughafen Charles de Gaulle gefahren sind.
Nach 2,5 Stunden des Wartens, die wir unter anderem mit Wettessen ausgefüllt haben, ging dann der Flug mit Air France zurück nach Deutschland, wo wir eine Stunde später Planmäßig ankamen.
Dort endete dann auch die Parisexkursion.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Thursday, 20 October 2011


What is this?Qu'est-ce que c'est? - Was ist das?¿Qué es esto?

Please tell us your answer...

Fabio & Stefano
 Solution: these are sliding contacts that allow the complete rotation of the turbine

but...the crazy italian wind...

definitly crashed wind-turbine

So, the Italian team raised the white flag!

Monday, 26 September 2011


Hello, here is the data of the photovoltaic panel found Sept. 23 in Italy. Us
expect to see data from other locations to begin the first comparisonsHello and good luck to all, Fabio and Stefano

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

first results from France

Hi everybody,

I didn't have time to group together and to analyze all our measures of June but here is a part of our results ... these are our recordings from June 23rd afternoon to July 1st morning.

We recorded a data (V and P) every 30 minutes and then used the software Datastudio to calculate 2*A*V and show this graph. Orientation : S, tilt 20°.
I will try to put our data in a table in a shared googledocument that every school can fill in.
We will stop the recording tomorrow because our school will close from the 8 of July to the last week of August.
Have a nice summer and happy holidays,
Emilie and all the french team

Sunday, 26 June 2011


Hi everybody,
dear colleagues, here are the first data collected from the photovoltaic panel with Genitrini's circuit. Thath day the weather was perfectly clear. The data were collected with multimeters that you have seen in Italy during the last meeting.
Happy holydays.
Fabio & Stefano

Monday, 6 June 2011

WEB Site

some days ago lucy wrote:

Susanne and I were a bit surprised to learn that we will not be making a website for dissemination of our results as planned in our application. We can get some pupils to construct a website on which we could all place links and data ( for example, photos of tours of various sites, data from the turbines and solar panels, with comparative graphs summarising the information from the different schools, links to videos on youtube, etc). this would be a ‘click on’ map of Europe with a page for each of the sites visited.   We would pay for the hosting of the website out of Comenius funds. As I said, we will try to get some pupils to set this up in June, so it will not involve any extra work for any of your schools, simply a transfer of files to the site…

We hope you agree that this should be done in order to fulfil our contractual obligations.  We have also said in the application that there will be a Moodle course on renewable energy , is this going ahead or not?  I know that we  don’t have to do everything we planned but we must do some of it and the website would be a lovely visual resource which could be accessed via each school’s website and via the Socrates/Comenius website…"

It's an important question, I would like explain the situation:

1 - In Germany we agreed that Emilie and Susanne had to talk about the way to build a web site; during the meeting in Italy Emilie said that there were not contacts about this point between them.
2 - Rosemary and Karen did'nt tell us anything about the planned website in Scotland
after these considerations, and considering time and the activities to do: 
3 - Everybody agreed that the blog seems to be a good instrument and with youtube could be enought for "contractual obligations"
4 - at the end we recognized that every school could create some pages in the school website (if possible) and Blog will be linked with them.

Of course we can change, but, in my opinion we could concentrate on the results and the activities about the energy; of course we can collaborate with a scottish site with materials and photos ....


Two new videos

Two new videos on youtube channel: the meeting in Badia and the french one (finally pubblic)

Friday, 27 May 2011

electric circuit for the solarpanel

Hello everybody,
after our VERY NICE meeting in Badia, we had to solve the problem of measuring the power produced by the solar panel (which can maximal be 20 W). Its tension can rise until 20 V and our datalogger Xplorer GLX cannot measure beyond 10V.
Marie finally bought two resistances (10 Ohms, 25 Watts) that we put in series like this :

This way, V stays always under 10V and the currentintensity stays under 1 A, so our GLX stay happy !!!
And we get P by mulitplying 2 x volts x amperes.
If you want to see the result ...
à bientôt,


Sunday, 22 May 2011

Meeting in Badia 18th - 22nd may 2011

Stefano, Fabio, Leonardo, Carlo and Giovanni

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Accident on the way (2)

The broken "airplan" is now adjusted!!!

we changed some parts of the generator and we put it on the top of Totem. we did'nt make electrical connection yet. Here some photos of the results.
Fabio and Stefano

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Logo for Core Europe

Hi all,
I love this idea for a logo - If everyone sends me a picture of the energy site they will be visiting I will try and create something similar.

That is if you like it?????

Monday, 18 April 2011

Toolbox 3

The system of collect and measure the solar energy is ready. We put a panel on the wall of the  lab inside the school and in the next two photo we are showing what we can do. The energy from the solar panel (on the top with an angle of 17°1) comes from top right of the panel, nothing is coming from the wind (top left of the panel) because  the "airplane" is still brocken. The system seems run without problems.

Photo N.1 -  Charging the Battery (left side of the Panel)
You can see from the top: a) the solar Regulator; b) the Inverter and c) the Battery

Photo N.2 -  Measuring Energy (right side of the Panel)
You can see from the top: a) measure of Volt; b) measure of ampère c) lamps (6W - 12V each)

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Accident on the way

We left the Totem on the roof for some days to check tha stability of it. Unfortunately Sunday a little wind made some bad effects on the system.We'll adjust it soos (I hope). No problem for solar panel.

Photo one: a general vision; you can see the weather station, the panel and the "airplan"

Phototwo: the result

Friday, 8 April 2011

Schedule for the measures (2)

Hi there, in this short video I'm trying to show you what we are doing; we hope to finish the job next week; we have not solve the problem of data, but a step by step....

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Meeting (2) - up to date

dear Friends,
this is the situation until now:

France: 5 students (3 females and 2 males) aged 16 are coming with 3 teachers. They'll arrive wed 18th leaving dom 22nd

Scotland: 2 students (one male and one fenale) aged 15 are coming with 2 teachers. (dates still open)

Germany: 2 or three students with 2 teachers (dates still open)

Could send me (by mail) names of students?

ciao Stefano

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Weather Station

Hi there,

Here our weather station on the roof of the school. It misure wind, temperature and rain.

In a couple of weeks (or less) the "Totem" will be there (we need to paint the wind generator)

Stefano, Fabio and Antonio

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Schedule for the measures

Hi folks,

here we are again, Emilie and me from France. So, we would like to know whereabouts you are concerning the measuring. We have ordered a second datalogger to have one for the wind turbine and another one for the solar panel. We imagine to start the logging in April. Capucine is trying to understand how to store data etc. If anybody of you has some good hints to give, just go ahead. Thanx!

That's it for now, ciao a tutti, Matthias and Emilie

Friday, 11 February 2011

Toolbox 2

Hi everybody,

before our holidays begin, I send you a last post about the wind turbine.
Fisrt, We 've painted the wood so that it resists the bad weather.

Our technician helped us a lot by puting it on a pole with a ball bearing for the rotation. He took the ball bearing from an old wheel of trash can!

Then we decided to fix the datalogger on the turbine to avoid the wires to roll around the pole. This way, the electric contact shall always be maintained. You can see the metal piece on wich we will fix the datalogger on the next two photos. We hope the weight of the datalogger won't be a problem ...
And we should install the wind turbine on the roof after our holidays, at the beginning of March.

I hope this can help you with your own installation,

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Orientation of the solar Panel

Hi friends,

The orientation of the panel is very important for the project:the best orientation for all the school is not the same orientation.
It depends from the latitude and the season.

Here an interesting site with a lot of informations about the solution of the problem.
Please have a look and then we can decide the best orientation. our latitude is 45°N

stefano italy

Thursday, 27 January 2011


Hello everyone,

In a few days will be uploading videos and photos of the mechanical changes necessary for the wind turbine, will advance while the main things:

1) The generator must be perfectly aligned with the crankshaft (we have replaced the crankshaft with a exactly diameter (3 mm) and perfectly straight rod

2) the supports of the generator have been reversed so that the window-holes make it possible to precisely align the motor-generator shaft

3) the joint between generator shaft and propeller shaft were made on a lathe

4) we think to fix the propeller blades with small screws so that we can adjust the angle of incidence

5) we are thinking about how to achieve an efficient pivot for the rotation of the entire wind turbine, the problem is to ensure both: the rotation, and the electrical contact, we think it is better to prevented by a stop block the 360° rotation, so that electrical contact can be done with simple flexible wires
Then we will pass the first test in a wind tunnel ... ;-)

P.S. my English is almost perfect if you do not understand something is a google blame

Fabio from Italy

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Blog management

A little proposal:
in order to avoid confusion on the blog I propose this use:
1. Start the different discussions with a post in the blog;
2. put a label in the post (ex. Youtube channel, meeting, thechnical problems…..)
3. use the comments to reply and contribuite to the discussion
4. when the comments are 20 somebody put a new post with the same label where we continue the discussion.

If we put the list of the labels on the right (under the “Blog archive) we can see all the post with the same label in a page and then find all the discussion.
What do you think? (comments on this post)

Stefano - Italy

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Youtube Channel

Hi friends,

We created the channel, I sent you in a private mail the way to enter in it and upload videos. Here the first video from Italy.
We all are waiting for more videos!!!
Stefano - Italy

Monday, 24 January 2011

Meeting - first contact

dear friends, could confirm the data of the next meeting? In my book i wrote "meeting from 17th to 22nd of may" it's correct? and about pupils and teachers coming?
do you want to start the organization starting with dates an people?
have a good day.

Stefano from Italy

Friday, 21 January 2011


Anybody is so artistic to propose a logo for the project?