Thursday, 21 April 2011

Logo for Core Europe

Hi all,
I love this idea for a logo - If everyone sends me a picture of the energy site they will be visiting I will try and create something similar.

That is if you like it?????


  1. I like this, but it's not a "logo"; I think is difficul make a simple logo from this, in order to use it in every document or video.
    I suggest use two versions: this one (but with a name - Coreurope for exemple) and another simpler but with the same design.
    But I'm sure about myself......

  2. sorry...

    "but I'm NOT sure about myself"

  3. Hi Susanne,
    I like the logo you found, in fact I already used it to illustrate one of the documents I gave the pupils at school.
    Maybe we should do something similar with pictures of our project (for example with the biogas installation we saw in Fellbach and the solar panel site we are going to visit in Italy).
    We can talk about it in Italy.

