Wednesday, 6 July 2011

first results from France

Hi everybody,

I didn't have time to group together and to analyze all our measures of June but here is a part of our results ... these are our recordings from June 23rd afternoon to July 1st morning.

We recorded a data (V and P) every 30 minutes and then used the software Datastudio to calculate 2*A*V and show this graph. Orientation : S, tilt 20°.
I will try to put our data in a table in a shared googledocument that every school can fill in.
We will stop the recording tomorrow because our school will close from the 8 of July to the last week of August.
Have a nice summer and happy holidays,
Emilie and all the french team


  1. realy interesting, seems more energy than in Italy, we'll have a lot of discussions with this data. Very good. Have a very happy holidays.

  2. Brilliant!
    May be the more power of the french Sun depend to less temperature of french pv panel?!? We Will think...

  3. It's interesting also to see that some days (days 3 and 4)the level of energy is constant during the central hours (like the italian data), other days are more variable.

  4. such an hot temperature today in Italy .... sahara desert is HERE!!!

  5. I was also surprised by our recording. In fact, the power generated by a solar cell depends on the cell's temperature. So at a fixed time of the day (for example 10:00 )on a sunny day, the cell becomes hot and produces sometimes less than on a cloudy day when the sun reappears ...
